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Exercise to Eliminate Varicose veins during pregnancy

Nearly all pregnant women haunted by the problem of varicose veins in the legs. This makes the blood vessels bulge itchy, legs feel heavy and sore, the skin around the varicose veins was throbbing or even taste like burning. Some exercise can reduce varicose veins during pregnancy. Anything? 

Varicose veins is a swelling or bulge in the blood vessels near the skin surface. This condition is usually colored blue or purple most of which appear in the legs, although it can sometimes also in other places. 

Varicose veins during pregnancy usually occurs when the uterus put pressure on the large veins (inferior vena cava) that carries blood from the legs back to the heart. 

Apart from pressure from the uterus, varicose veins can also appear due to hormonal changes. During pregnancy an increase in the hormone progesterone that cause physical and psychological changes. However, this condition is generally not harmful to the pregnancy. 

Here are some sports that can reduce the bulge of these blood vessels during pregnancy, as reported by the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (21/03/2011), namely: 

1. Bicycle 
Strenuous activity is not recommended during pregnancy, but mild exercise such as cycling can help reduce varicose veins during pregnancy. 

During pregnancy, the uterus will increase pressure on the vena cava inferior and so blood does not circulate well on the lower body. This resulted in increased pressure causing the formation of the veins of the legs. 

By bicycle for 30 minutes a day, you can increase blood circulation to the bottom of the feet, strengthen muscles and tendons that support the blood vessels in the legs and help prevent varicose veins. 

2. Walking Lunge 
Walking Lunge is a little exercise that can strengthen the muscles and blood vessels in the legs and can help prevent varicose veins. Walking Lunge to build muscle, burn calories, increase blood circulation and prevent blood accumulation in the lower body. 

To do this, you need two small barbells. Start by putting one foot backwards and forwards with each hand holding a barbell. Bend your knees and feet behind the front legs forming an angle of 45 degrees. Hold this for 5 seconds and repeat for several times. 

3. Walking 
Walking for 30 minutes a day will increase blood circulation, prevent excessive weight gain, strengthen muscles and blood vessels in the legs and prevent varicose veins during pregnancy. 

4. Swim 
Swimming is another aerobic exercise you can do during pregnancy to help prevent or treat varicose veins. Any form of aerobic exercise that increases circulation and strengthens the leg muscles can be done by pregnant women to prevent and treat varicose veins. 

While sport is an excellent way to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, a healthy lifestyle is also necessary to prevent varicose veins. Weight gain and long standing or sitting to contribute to the risk factors of varicose veins during pregnancy. 

A healthy diet with emphasis on fruits and vegetables, lean protein and fiber can manage your weight during pregnancy. Fruit is high in vitamin C also helps prevent varicose veins because vitamin C can help strengthen blood vessels. 

Avoid wearing tight clothing because it will restrict blood flow and can contribute to form varicose veins. Avoid standing or sitting a long time and if you are sitting, keep the feet remain high.

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